Workshop Review: Suzie Beringer’s “Once Upon A Circle”
by Tess Vonfeldt-Gross and reviewed by Celeste Rossmiller
Suzie Beringer’s “lure” for her online class at the Summer 2024 “Roman Holiday” Calligraphy Conference reads: “Circles…no beginning—no end. Looking around us we can see circular designs everywhere. [side note from Celeste: Many Native American peoples use the same reason for building their homes in circular shapes—e.g., hogans, tipis—because most everything found in nature is circular: tree trunks, many rocks, sun and moon, the splat of a raindrop…] As lettering artists, they also provide a way for us to step away from the ‘straight base line’ and create something different—something fresh!
“In this workshop we will look at circles differently and learn how to incorporate circles into our lettering designs and lettering into our circle designs. We will stretch, pull and push the boundaries of what we think is possible in order to create something that is unique! ‘Free Writing’ will be addressed and encouraged,” stated Suzie Beringer.
This lure drew Tess Vonfeldt-Gross into Beringer’s class, and she offered the following review:
Tess is known to take ideas from the many workshops she attends, and develop them in her calligraphy journals. Some of us are trying to learn from her exuberant creativity and commitment to putting learning into practice! Here are several more of her pieces from her journals.
The one below she calls “Sunburst”; it could also be entitled, “Live Like…”
Tess has also studied the painting of watercolor flowers.
To the right she combines a roundel of flowers
with the practice of circular writing. Note the subtle
shading in the lettering. She puts learning from a
spiritual source into calligraphic expression: very
contemplative, with action invited.
(Left) And then again, there’s “Squaring the Circle.”
More watercolor flower power (above) with the addition of gold and various lettering styles.
Thanks so much, Tess, for sharing the fruits of your workshop with Suzie Beringer, along with encouraging us with your regular practice of calligraphic journaling.